
Hello Strangers.

Friday, September 1, 2017


I know its been awhile since the last story that I've post to this blog.
But Its not only for this blog, I've made a decission to be passively in all of my social media accounts that I've ever had (Path//Instagram//Snapchat//Twitter & more). Theres some several reasons about that. Mainly caused by my own-mood and including my college-lyf take more time like 24/7. Idk, but I still feelling fine with that. I've been trying to manage everything well without addiction or obsession with em' all.

Yes, [Why I call that 'addiction or obsession'?] Its because I realized that sometimes I should put everything or some activities about myself on that almost everytime. And literally, I just want to be a person who sometimes use social media networks occasionally but wisely. Then, [What is that mean for 'wisely'?] In 2016, I've read or heard a lot of news around of my social networks. It's about 62% of that news were fake which people get on social networks tho (The Data of 2016 Fake News sources). So, theres several people believes in which they didn't know with the truth of the news or not. Sometimes, some of that news was making a real effects to people in their social life until psychology aspect personally. And now, Its really important for us to know the validity before we spreads the news around. 

At least, Remember to keep ur social media networks in the right-side from all of the news around! stop-the-fake-news // I'm-the-right-side // This is April & see u.

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