As we know,
terrorism has threatened the human population for as long as humans have
existed. According to Oxford dictionaries (2002), terrorism is a person or
thing that causes intense fear while terrorism is the systemic use of violence
and intimidation to achieve some goal. When these acts are carried out, the
mass media would be the first to report that help spread fear and spread
awareness about message and motives behind the attack. The relationship between terrorism and
the media is still an ongoing threat that spares no country and the media
coverage. So, there are some reasons terrorism should not be given media
publicity which are gives terrorist opportunity to recruit more member and use
media publicity to terrify our people that create a climate of fear.
The main reasons terrorism should not be given media
publicity because it gives terrorist opportunity to recruit more member. Based
on research from Mcleod (2009) found that mass media can be as a strategic
persuasion tool to recruit some members of terrorism. For allowing them to be
seen by the public enables them to be seen by potential sympathizers, who are
thus more easily brought into the folds of terrorism themselves. This is
particularly true when understanding the psychology of potential sympathizers,
who are already deeply resentful towards the societies or states targeted by
terrorism, and thus particularly vulnerable to persuasion by dramatic attacks
and promises of vengeance or martyrdom.
The second reasons terrorism should not be given media publicity because
terrorist use media publicity to terrify our people that create a climate of
fear. According to research from Vriens (2012), the goal of terrorists is to
incite fear among people. The publicity that terrorist attacks get, and the
dramatic, bloody, terrifying image that they create is repellent in its own
right, using our own media to terrify our people and create a climate of fear.
Furthermore, it serves to disrupt people’s daily lives by terrifying them away
from certain activities (using public transport, air travel, travelling to
certain countries, attending public meetings, etc.). This can also encourage a
social backlash against ethnic, religious or political groups associated with
the terrorists.
However, some people have tried to point out contrary sides of reason terrorism
should not be given media publicity because citizens and the world community
have a right to be informed. When people get informed about the news of
terrorism, people can anticipate to go to some public places where bomb could
be exist. The information can give positive impact for people.
In conclusion, terrorism should not be given media
publicity because it will make negative side effects for people. For some
people, terrorism still have positive sides informing citizens and the world
community about terrorism. I think that terrorism should not be given media
publicity. It because those reasons that I already explained with some evidence
above, which are gives terrorist opportunity to recruit more member and use media
publicity to terrify our people that create a climate of fear.
Vriens, Eva. 2012. Inciting fear for
terrorism: a critical review of current counter-terrorism policies and how they
increase fear. Retrieved from on May 20, 2018.
Oxford Dictionary. 2002. Definition of
terrorism in English. Retrieved from on May 20, 2018.
Mcleod, Douglas M., 2009. The Role of the
Media in the Recruitment of Terrorists: Mass Communication and the Battle for
the Hearts and Minds of Muslims in Indonesia. Retrieved from on May 20, 2018.
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