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Thursday, February 14, 2019

Article Review

The article is entitled Computer Game Addiction - Symptoms, Treatment, & FAQs. It is written by Dr. Brent Conrad from Clinical Psychologist for TechAddiction. This article was published in 2012 in TechAddiction. This is an online article which can be retrieved from computer_game_addiction.html , on 26 March 2018.

Computer game addiction generally refers to an excessive, unhealthy amount of playing computer games. The addicted gamer often isolates him/herself from others, ignores more important responsibilities and is often obsessed with obtaining higher status/ rankings/ achievements in his/her favorite computer game. Anyone who plays computer games could become addiction include males, children and teens people with other psychological difficulties (e.g, depression, low self-esteem, anxiety), individuals with long periods of unstructured time (for example, a teen who is not involved in other activities outside of school), those with higher levels of neurotocism, children who are more impulsive and have weaker social skills. Treatment can take a variety of forms including individual therapy, family treatment books on computer game addiction, play computer games in moderation. Result showed that the addict thinks about the addiction (for example, recognizing cognitive distortions designed to convince the gamer that it is not a problem), and simultaneously changing his/her behaviors (for example, setting strict limits for play, taking care of other responsibilities before gaming, using game blocking software or devices, etc).


In my opinion, i think the context of this article is absolutely right. It is right because the author, Conrad (2012), explained that anyone who plays computer games could become certain groups which include males, children, and teens. Regarding on that, more researchers from Stavropoulos (2016), studies show male adolescents, particularly those aged 16 to 18, are generally at higher risk than female adolescents. So, It means that teens especially males have a higher risk of plays computer games.

In the same way, I agree with the context of this article. According to the author, Conrad (2012), described that computer game addicts may experience depressed mood, low self-esteem, social anxiety,  low frustration tolerance, have poor sleep habits, and give up healthy physical activities. To support my agreement, more research from Zamani, et al. (2009), explained that there was a direct relationship between addiction to computer games and physical disorder, anxiety, sleep disorder and depression. It proved that computer game addicts may have poor sleep habits and depression. 

Moreover, I think the exposure of this article is good. It is good because the author tried to make a lot of main points by served some general questions which engaged the reader’s attention. To support my opinion, there is a reference from Patel (2016) which explained that the easy way to get the reader’s attention and get them engaged is by giving some questions to the readers. In addition, he also stated that “When we are intrigued by a question, i.e., experience a sense of curiosity, the limbic reward system lights up. And that’s why we want to keep reading—it’s rewarding to satisfy curiosity”.

References :
Zamani, et al. 2009. Effect of Addiction to Computer Games on Physical and Mental Health of Female and Male Students of Guidance School in City of Isfahan. Addiction and Health (Online),1:98-104. (, retrieved on 29 March 2018.
Stavropoulos, Dr Vasileois. 2016. Internet addiction and online gaming disorder on the rise. Health (Online), (,retrieved on 28 March 2018.
Patel, Neil. (2016), A Step-by-Step Guide to Writing a Compelling Article Introduction. (Online), (, retrieved on 28 March 2018.

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